beta version
The following moderated blogs will be published by the editors:
We invite comments at each of the following blogs — or contact us to make a proposal for a blog topic or to submit a guest blog.
1. CMAP Community Blog (pending proposals)
For our community’s public commentary and suggestions for research topics, scientific review of literature and media coverage of science using the methodology of the CMAP Guide.
2. CMAP Talking Points (pending proposals)
For suggested persuasive arguments and educational points for discussion that may be helpful in winning friends on various cannabis science issues.
3. CMAP Media Releases (pending proposals)
Our own CMAP media outreach on selected subjects.
4. CMAP Patient StorIes (pending proposals)
For sharing patient stories and selected anecdotal, but persuasive, empirical inspiration behind the science.
5. CMAP Research Proposals (pending proposals)
A compendium of published links to CMAP sponsored cannabis research on human subjects.
The following moderated blogs will be published by the editors:
We invite comments at each of the following blogs — or contact us to make a proposal for a blog topic or to submit a guest blog.
1. CMAP Community Blog (pending proposals)
For our community’s public commentary and suggestions for research topics, scientific review of literature and media coverage of science using the methodology of the CMAP Guide.
2. CMAP Talking Points (pending proposals)
For suggested persuasive arguments and educational points for discussion that may be helpful in winning friends on various cannabis science issues.
3. CMAP Media Releases (pending proposals)
Our own CMAP media outreach on selected subjects.
4. CMAP Patient StorIes (pending proposals)
For sharing patient stories and selected anecdotal, but persuasive, empirical inspiration behind the science.
5. CMAP Research Proposals (pending proposals)
A compendium of published links to CMAP sponsored cannabis research on human subjects.